MH Online classes_ Details_ 10th Oct 2020_ Saturday

Grade 1- 9:00-9:45- MS- Mr Savad-Technical Assistance- Ms.Latha_
MS_Grade 1_10th October 2020 Mr.MohamedSavad_Chapter21_ Kithabul_Thafheem-1

Grade 2- 3:00-3:45-MS-Mr Haneefa Thangal-Technical Assistance- Ms.Vinitha_
MS_Grade 2_10th October 2020_Mr.Haneefa Thangal_Chapter 5_Subject_Ahlaq_Topic الاستاذ_

Grade 3- 3:00-3:45-MS- Mr. Sharhabeel- Technical Assistance- Ms.Prajitha_
MS_Grade 3_10th October 2020_Mr. Sharhabeel_Chapter 11_ Subject_fiqh_ Topic الصلاة_

Grade 4 – 3:00-3:45- MS- Mr. Muneer T- Technical support- Ms Aswathy_
MS _ Grade 4_ 10th October 2020_ Mr. Muneer T_ Chapter 5 _ Aqeeda_

Grade 5- 8:00- 8:45- MS- Mr. Muneeruddin Wafy- Technical support- Ms Sunitha_
MS_ Grade 5_ 10th October 2020_Mr. Muneeruddin Wafy_ Chapter 5 & 6_ Akhlaq_ Patience and shyness_ Qur’an_ Surathu Al Imran_ Verse_ 25 to 35

Grade 6- 8:00-8:45- MS- Mr. Sainudheen- Technical support- Ms Vinitha_
MS_ Grade 6_ 10th October2020_Mr. Sainudheen_ Quran_ Suratumaryam_ 45 to 55_ aayathu Hifz_ Sura:al mulk_ 15to25 aayath

Grade7A-9.30-10.15-MS-Mr Julail-Technical Assistance-Ms Jasmi__
MS DUROOS _Grade7_10th October 2020_Mr JULAIL _Chapter7_SWABR _Be patient in life

Grade7B-9.30-10.15-MS-Mr Julail-Technical assistance-Ms Jasmi_
MS DUROOS _Grade7B_10th October 2020_Mr JULAIL _Chapter7_SWABR _Be patient in life

Grade 8A-10.30-11.15-MS-Mr Shafi Azhari-Technical Assistance-Ms Latha_
MS_Grade8A_10th October2020_Mr SHAFI AZHARI_Chapter2 part II_
Lisanul Quran_الرحلة الى المدينة

8B-10.30-11.15-MS-Mr Shafi Azhari-Technical Assistance-Ms Latha_
MS_Grade8B_10th October2020_Mr SHAFI AZHARI_Chapter2 part II_
Lisanul Quran_الرحلة الى المدينة

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