MH English School
Edapal, Malapuram - 679 576
Dear parents,
Preliminary round of *English Elocution* will be held on *16/08/2022 Tuesday* for category 3, 4 and 5 (Grade 3 to 10). Participation of all students is mandatory
Category 3 ( Grade 3 & 4)
1. My visit to a favourite place
2. My mother, my best teacher
3. I love my earth
4. The day I met my favourite cartoon character
5. My first day at school
Category 4 (Grade 5,6,7)
1. The best day of my life.
2. My responsibility to green earth
3. The Best Lesson I have Learned...
4. What is better: Paper books or E-Books?
5. How to speak confidently in public?
Category 5 ( 8,9,10)
1. Is the government doing enough to tackle Global Warming?
2. What planet would I visit 3. If I had my own rocket ship?
4. If I were the principal of this school, the rules I would make would be...
5. Do exam results alone determine a child’s worth?
The best age to own a mobile phone?
We will select one subject from the above list at the time of competition
Thank you